Volunteer Sign-up

The WMGA greatly appreciates members assisting us by volunteering at our tournaments. 



Below are descriptions of each volunteer role. Please check the tournament links below to sign up for specific volunteer roles and time slots.


Rules Official – Certified USGA Rules Official
Marker – Volunteer to keep score of the player, may or may not play but they should not delay Pace of Play
Pace of Play Monitor – Volunteer stationed at a checkpoint hole or roving to monitor Pace of Play, and report back to WMGA staff
Spotter – Forecaddie stationed to a hole for the competition
Greeter – Volunteer who welcomes, collects payment  and directs players to facilities such as locker rooms, pro shop and breakfast locations.




Tournaments:  Signs up available soon 


May 16th 100th Golf Illustrated Tournament – Invitational New Jersey National Club (NJ)
May 21st  96th Myra D. Paterson Tournament – Invitational Ridgewood Country Club (WCT)
June 10th-12th  121st Match Play “A” and 8th Match Play “B” Championships North Shore Country Club (LI)
July 8th  One Day Stroke Play “A” & “B” in Long Island Engineers Country Club (LI)
June 10th  Better Ball A/B 1899 Classic Trump Colts Neck (NJ)
July 14th One Day Stroke Play “A” & “B” in Westchester Rye Golf Club (WCT)
July 22nd Family Championships: 78th Father-Daughter, 98th Mother- Daughter,  32nd Sister-Sister, 91st Sister-Brother Championships Indian Hills Country Club (LI)
July 24th 99th Junior Girls’ Open Championship Ramsey Golf & Country Club (NJ)
July  31st 95th Husband-Wife “A” & 71st Husband-Wife “B” Championships The Tuxedo Club (WCT)
August 5th-6th   66th Maureen Orcutt Trophy Tournament (Junior Girls)    White Beeches Golf and Country Club (NJ)
August 7th    86th Mother-Son Championship Bonnie Briar Country Club (WCT)
August 12th-13th 48th Stroke Play “A” and 25th Stroke Play  “B” Championships Echo Lake Country Club (NJ)
August 19th One Day Stroke Play “A” & “B” in New Jersey Glen Ridge Country Club (NJ)
August  21st  Best Ball of Four – Dream Team Tournament Metropolis Country Club (WCT)
August 26th – 27th 75th Seniors “A” and 59th Seniors “B” Championships Bedford Golf & Country Club (WCT)
September 16th 64th Better Ball “A” and 60th Better Ball “B” Championships  Alpine Country Club (NJ)
September 25th 36th Sis Choate Pinehurst Tournament Nissequogue Country Club (LI)
TBD   Best Ball of Four -Club  Tournament TBD 
TBD 83rd John B. Mackie Memorial Tournament TBD
October 19th-20th 7th Blue and White Cup The Vineyards CC (LI)