
The WMGA encourages all junior girls to come out and enjoy the fun of golf and competition, no matter what level playing experience or ability.

We conduct two junior only tournaments: the Maureen Orcutt [36 holes-AJGA stars awarded] and the Junior Open [18 holes]. Both tournaments include a 9-hole division for junior girls without a USGA handicap index to participate in. It’s a great way for you to meet other junior girls who enjoy playing the game we love and keep up your competitive spirit.

2025 Tournament Dates (Registration opening April 9, 2025):

Maureen Orcutt Trophy Tournament – August 5-6 at White Beeches (AJGA Stars Awarded/Junior Golf Scoreboard, at the discretion of the AJGA)

Junior Girls’ Open – July 16th at Ramsey Golf and Country Club, New Jersey (Winner Exempt into North & South Junior Championship at Pinehurst, at the discretion of Pinehurst)