Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below are answers to frequently asked questions grouped by topic.  Click on the topic and a drop-down menu appears.  Many answers show text in blue and bold typeface which are live links that take you directly to that information on the website.


Q: How do I become a Member?

A: You can join the WMGA if your USGA Handicap Index is 25.0 or less and you are a member of a WMGA Member Club or as an Independent Member.  Contact the WMGA Met Rep at your club or check our website (wmga.com) under Membership

Q: How do I know if my golf club is a WMGA Member Club?

A:  Click Member Club List on the Membership tab to view WMGA Member Clubs. If your club is not a member call the office for information on how to join.

Q: Do I have to join a golf club to be a WMGA Member?

A:  No. If you do not belong to a member club you can join the WMGA as an Independent Member.  Information on the process and application are found on the Membership tab under Independent Member

Q: Can I become a WMGA Member if I am 19 years old or younger? 

A:  Yes. An amateur junior girl golfer who has not reached her 19th birthday as of January 1 of the current season can join the WMGA. You are eligible to join if you, your parents or guardian, is a member of a Member Club, or as an Independent Member if you do not belong to a member club.  There are no annual dues for a junior and you may be eligible for WMGA Foundation Scholarships and Fellowship stipends. Information on the process and application are found on the Membership tab and  Independent Member tab.   Learn more about scholarships and stipends on the Foundation tab.

Format and Schedules

Q:  What type of competitions does the WMGA have?

A:  There are Team Matches and Tournament competitions. Team Matches are held on successive Tuesdays and Thursdays over a 2.5 week period in early spring culminating with an Interdistrict Championship for the top teams in Series 1 of each district.  There are around 30 tournaments/Championships held from May to October of various formats including individual, team, and family events.

 Q: How can I find out what the Team Match schedule is?

A:  The schedule is found on our website under the Team Matches tab.

 Q: How can I find out what the tournament schedule is?

A:  The Tournament Schedule is found on our website under the Tournaments tab.

Q: How can I determine what tournaments I should play in and what is the format?

 A: Visit the Tournaments tab as there are links to a variety of information.  Tournament Descriptions provide a detailed description of the tournament including eligibility, format, and handicap allowances.  The Tournament Roadmap is a one page “at a glance” view of all the tournaments.  You can determine which ones to play based on your eligibility, preferred format, duration and location of the competition. 

Tournament Registration

Q: How do I register for an event or tournament?  

A:  Visit the Tournaments tab and click Golf Genius Player Registration.

You need a Golf Genius WMGA Player Profile to register for an event and for further help call WMGA office (914) 592-7888.

Q: How do I sign up for a Golf Genius WMGA Player Profile?

A: You will need to have your GHIN # handy to start the process. Visit the Tournaments tab and click Golf Genius Player Registration. To create a new profile, scroll down to the page to “Click here to Register”. Click “Register” and enter your GHIN Number and Last Name. Fill out all required fields of the registration form and click “Register”. Confirm Email and Username via Confirmation Email. Your profile has been created and you may register for WMGA events.

 Q: Can I register for any tournament? 

A:  Your Handicap Index must match the eligibility criteria on the day of registration. Your Handicap Index for each competition will be one week prior to the first day of competition. See the TSB for information on a situation when your Handicap raises or lowers and you no longer match the eligibility criteria of a competition you have entered. 

Q: How can I get a partner for a partner event if I don’t have one?

A: Call the WMGA office. The Tournament Manager keeps a list of women looking for a partner for each event. Also, the WMGA has the Membership Exchange, a private Facebook group, where members can post their availability and search for a playing partner.

Q: How will I know that my registration for an event or tournament has been accepted? 

A: First, you receive a “ registration acknowledgement” email, and second, you receive an “acceptance” email. If your entry is not accepted into an event you will be contacted by the office. 

 Q: When is registration Closed for a tournament or event? 

A:  Registration is closed two weeks prior to the competition. This date can be found on the Golf Genius portal under Tournament Description for a competition and can be found in the TSB. 

 Q: Is it possible to enter a competition that is Closed or Sold out?

A:  You cannot register for a competition that is closed or sold out. Contact the WMGA office (914) 592-7888 or email tournamentmanager@wmga.com .

Handicap Eligibility

Q: With daily handicap revisions, what Handicap Index is used for a tournament? 

A:  The WMGA will freeze your Handicap Index for each competition ten days prior to the first day of competition.

 Q: What happens if my Handicap goes above or below the 14.0 cutoff between the time I registered and the day of the event? 

A:  Handicap limits will be calculated  ten days prior to the first day of competition for that tournament. If your handicap index changes and you no longer meet the criteria for eligibility you will be contacted by the office with all options. This does not necessarily mean that you can no longer play in the competition. 

Q: What tournaments am I eligible to play in? 

A: See the Tournament Description for each competition on Golf Genius to learn player eligibility. Eligibility varies based on Handicap Index, (Class A = maximum handicap index of 14.0; Class B = minimum handicap index of 14.1) and format of the event. A summary of the descriptions can be found on the Tournaments tab.

World Handicap System

Q: What is the difference between Course Handicap and Playing Handicap?


A: The Course Handicap represents the number of strokes needed to play to par of the tees being played. This is the number used to adjust hole scores for net double bogey or net par (Rule 6.1 Course Handicap Calculation in Rules of Handicapping).


The Playing Handicap is the actual number of strokes you receive or give during a round and is the number used for the purposes of the game or competition (Rule 6.2 Playing Handicap Calculation in Rules of Handicapping).


Q: What is Handicap Allowance?


A: Handicap allowance is the percentage of a Course Handicap recommended to create equity for all players participating in a specific format of play. (Appendix C in  Rules of Handicapping).


Since higher-handicap players typically have more variance in their scores and an increased potential to shoot lower net scores, when full Course Handicaps are used in certain formats, players with lower Course Handicaps are generally at a disadvantage. By taking a percentage of Course Handicap, the higher handicap players are impacted more, which brings the expected scores for all players or teams to a more consistent level. Handicap allowances are mainly applied in team formats, where the combination of players can produce lower scores compared to other teams


Q: What is the maximum score I can take on a hole?


A: For a player with an established Handicap Index, the maximum score for each hole played is limited to a net double bogey (Rule 3.1b Maximum Hole Score for Handicap Purposes in Rules of Handicapping), calculated as follows:


 Par of the hole + 2 strokes +

Any handicap stroke(s) that the player

receives on that hole*


(*or minus any handicap stroke(s) that a plus handicap player gives back on that hole.)


Q: What is Playing Conditions Calculation (PCC)?


A: At the end of each day, the Playing Conditions Calculation takes place automatically to determine if scores made at the course were significantly higher or lower than the expected scores of the players who made them, primarily due to weather and/or course set up.


If scores were abnormally low or high, a PCC adjustment between -1 and +3 will be applied to the Score Differentials of everyone who played that day. A negative (-) adjustment means the course played easier than expected and a positive (+) adjustment means the course played more difficult than expected. A PCC of 0 means the course played as expected, which will be the case on most days (Rule 5.6 Playing Conditions Calculation in Rules of Handicapping).


 Q: How do I access my GHIN Golfer Digital Profile?


A: For improved security and privacy, starting in January 2021, golfers will need to create a digital profile to access the GHIN Mobile App and ghin.com.  Users are required to have a unique email address to create a digital profile. You can request assistance from your club’s administration or your local golf association MGA at https://www.mgagolf.org/handicapping or New Jersey State at https://www.njsga.org/handicapping.


Q: Who should I contact for help with my handicap?


A: You can request assistance from your club’s administration or your local golf association MGA at https://www.mgagolf.org/handicapping or New Jersey State at https://www.njsga.org/handicapping.

Tournament Details

Q: What information is provided prior to the Tournament? 

A:  Tee Times are emailed to registered players and published on Golf Genius one week prior to an event, and the Notice To Players is emailed within 24 hours of the competition. You can find all these documents on the Golf Genius portal for each individual competition.

 Q: When are the Tee Times for a tournament released? 

A: One week prior to the first day of competition via the email listed in your Golf Genius account. Check your Spam folder if you do not receive the notice of tee times.They are also published on the Golf Genius portal for each competition.

 Q: What is the Dress Code for a tournament? 

A: Proper golf attire must be worn at all WMGA events.  You must adhere to the dress code requirements of the host Member Club.  Please review the Notice to Players and Host Member Club’s website for guest information. If your dress is deemed inappropriate by the WMGA or host Member Club you may be denied participation in the tournament. 

 Q: What do I do if I have to cancel and cannot play in an event? 

A: Contact the WMGA office immediately (914) 592-7888 and email tournamentmanager@wmga.com

 Q: How do I find out if an event is delayed or cancelled due to weather or course conditions? 

A: A text message will be sent to the cell phone number provided in your Golf Genius profile with any delays or cancellations.

Rules, Posting Scores and Results

Q: Where can I find the WMGA Standing Rules for the Tournaments?

A: The Tournament Schedule Book (TSB) states all the Standing Rules and can be found on our website under the Tournaments tab, Tournament Schedule Book


Q: Do I post my score for Team Matches?

A: Yes – refer to the Posting Score Memo found on the Team Matches tab under Series Captain Information.


 Q: Do I post my score for a Tournament event? 

A: It depends on the format. Reference the applicable Notice to Players for the answer.  The WMGA will automatically post your score within 12 hours of the event for most tournaments. 


 Q: Where do I see tournament results? 

A: Visit the WMGA homepage under Recent Results or view on each individual Tournament Portal on Golf Genius. 

WMGA Foundation

Q: What does my Foundation donation support?

A: The Foundation’s core mission is to foster and encourage the growth and development of young women and girls who play golf or participate in golf related activities.  Programs include scholarships to young women pursuing higher education, Girls To The Tee Clinics and stipends for juniors playing in tournaments. Learn more on the Foundation tab.


Q: Is a donation to the Foundation tax deductible?

A: Yes, The Women’s Metropolitan Golf Association Foundation, Inc., is a qualified non-profit organization under IRS code 501 (c) 3.  All gifts are fully tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. WMGA Foundation Tax ID is 22-3844130.


Q:  Is the WMGA Foundation separate from the WMGA?

A:  The WMGA Foundation is a separate non-profit entity and its Board is comprised of both WMGA Board members and non-WMGA Board members.  It also has several committees which run its various programs.


Q: Can I volunteer for the Foundation without being on the Board?

A: Yes, the WMGA Foundation maintains a committee structure overseeing its various programs; Scholarships, Girls to the Tee, Fundraising, and Outreach.  Each committee welcomes non-board member volunteers.

Team Match Combined Teams

Q: What is a combined team?

A: A combined team is a team composed of players from two or more clubs in the same district. When the last series in a district has fewer than four teams, the series cannot participate in Team Matches. Therefore, adding one or more combined teams would allow the series to participate in Team Matches.

Q: Who can be part of a combined team and how is it created?

A: Any WMGA player, whose club is a WMGA member club that does not have enough players to support a team roster, may be part of a combined team. The three District Captains coordinate and assemble the combined teams for their respective Districts. Please note that Independent Members are not eligible for Team Matches at this time because they do not belong to a club that can host the matches.

Q: What are the rules and guidelines for combined teams winning a series?

A: A combined team can win their series, in fact, several combined teams have been winners, but they cannot move up a series if they win.  Also, the combined teams are not guaranteed a spot for the following year.  The procedures for determining the need for a combined team and forming combined teams begin new each season.

Q: How many clubs and players from the club can create a combined team?

A: Usually 2-3 clubs are part of a combined team, with as few as one player from a club, but typically there are 3-6 players from each club. In total, 8-12 players are on the combined team, and this is at the discretion of the District Captain. In addition, the combined team selects a Team Captain, and one of the combined clubs must agree to host the matches.

Q: My club is torn between trying to enter as our own team or being part of a combined team. What should we do?

A: It’s important to contact your District Captain and stay in touch so you’ll get a good idea if there might be a combined team.  Click below to send a note to the captain of your district to inform them that your club would like to be considered for a combined team.

W/CT: Jeannie Gaston  DCWCT@wmga.com

LI: Elsie Pallotta  DCLI@wmga.com

NJ: Kathy Flicker   DCNJ@wmga.com